ISA members during the summer of 1994 discussed the possibility of creating a new set of oral English examinations. These examinations would emphasize expressive and fluent communication in English and not simply the acquisition of grammar and vocabular.
During the summer of 1994, members of the International Schools Association in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Jacqueline McLellan of Calgary, Canada, developed a new set of oral English examinations specifically targeted towards students studying English as a second language. Based on a contemporary understanding of English acquisition, voice, speech and drama technique, the ISA Oral English Examinations emphasize expressive and fluent communication in English and not simply the acquisition of grammar and vocabulary.
These examinations are geared to developing outstanding oral communication in English. Through speaking literature, relating of personal experiences, developing organizational strategies for formal presentations, as well as learning ease of impromptu speaking, candidates gain many valuable skills. Candidates build self-confidence and learn fluency, effective delivery techniques, and artistic expression of ideas. Personality, confidence, correct pronunciation, and vocal technique are strengthened through this experience.
The ISA Oral English Examinations were used for the first time in Argentina in October 1994 and in Uruguay in 2004. The examinations have seen steady growth, and challenging objectives and goals are in place. The teachers as well as their students have been trained as to what is expected from the examinations. The fourth level of examination, Advanced, was implemented in 2002. Much progress has been made, and many students now successfully complete all four levels of the ISA exam.
The vision for the future is to promote the use of these examinations in more schools throughout the world. Currently, all examiners are Canadian with professional accreditation in English, voice, speech arts, drama, and public speaking. New examiners are being trained and standardized to meet the expected growth of the ISA Oral English Examinations.
The purpose of these examinations is to discover how well candidates, who are learning English as a second language, can speak and understand the language within the limits of each level. What is said – content, how it is said – delivery, and willingness to share – individual characteristics, will be taken into consideration.
The following skills will be considered:
- Expressive communication of ideas in prepared work and conversation
- Vocal Variety and Support
- Quality of Sound and Inflection
- Clarity and Articulation
- Fluency
- Free of Hesitation
- Meaningful Phrasing
- Correct Pronunciation
- Appropriate Grammar and Vocabulary
- Deportment
- Confident, Pleasant Manner
- Energetic Delivery
- Poised Posture and Appearance
Each level of the ISA Oral English Examination focuses on three areas: prepared work, social conversation, and sight reading. At the advanced level, candidates are also challenged with creating and delivering an impromptu speech. The examination involves mastering the tasks set for each level.
As these examinations are not written or taped but on an in person, one-to-one basis, the personal and social interaction skills and involvement of candidates will be taken into account. It is important to note that the most successful candidates are not always the most accurate with English grammar and pronunciation. While these are important elements of the exam, the ability to expressively communicate thoughts and ideas is equally significant in the grading.
Following is a breakdown of the requirements for each level and section of the exam as well as the reasoning and benefits of each element.