ISA – International Schools Association

STEAM weeks in the Agora Sant Cugat campus

International Schools Association

Organised by the Catalan Research and Innovation Foundation (FCRI), the 29th Science Week in Catalunya (SC 2024) was held in November with a variety of scientific and technological activities in different parts of the region.


SCIENCE WEEK & STEAM WEEK are designed to inspire students into the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics and in the Agora Sant Cugat Campus we involve them in fascinating and engaging Science and STEAM-related activities.


The STEAM approach teaches children how to process information effectively – learning how to learn! Through fun experiments, STEAM-learning activities encourage children to hone their observation skills, find patterns, develop critical thinking skills, predict and analyse results.


There are SEVEN key components of a successful STEAM curriculum:


· Engage students with relevant real-world applications.

· Connect different disciplines with interdisciplinary learning.

· Provide opportunities for hands-on learning.

· Integrate the Engineering Design Process (EDP) into the classroom.

· Encourage collaboration and teamwork.

· Challenge students with problem-solving exercises.

· Foster creative thinking.


Science is based on curiosity and when children want to learn more about the world around them it is science that often holds the clues they need for a better understanding and this is why the teaching of science in schools is paramount. In the Agora Sant Cugat Campus, students in Infant and Primary participated in multiple experiments and investigations and an indoor and outdoor Science Scavenger Hunt was organised for students in Secondary that they thoroughly enjoyed!

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