ISA – International Schools Association

FEE Registration is now open!

International Schools Association

Registration window is now open! Register as an international school from 1st December to 31st January.

Be a part of the global network of schools in over 100 countries that empower students to drive change, tackle environmental challenges, and lead sustainable initiatives in their local communities

Register for not one, but THREE of our FEE programmes and unlock a world of environmental education opportunities for your international students! 

These schools would be able to register directly with FEE as part of our international Eco-Schools (YRE and LEAF) programme: Andorra, Nepal, Maldives, Colombia, Uruguay, Japan and Pakistan.


I would therefore like to make the following discount offer to these 10 schools should they wish to register with FEE for two years.  


  • All 10 schools register then 20% discount per school will be applied. Each school to pay 800 euros (+VAT)
  • Between 5-9 schools register then 10% discount per school. Each school to pay 900 euros(+VAT)


Please note we will only be able to offer the discounts if the thresholds are met. If not, then the schools who do register (if less than 5) would have to pay the full amount of 1000 euros (+VAT). Register — Eco Schools


All other schools, if not already involved in FEE programmes will need to register directly with our national operator in their country, contacts for which can be found here: National Offices — Eco Schools

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