ISA – International Schools Association

Dunwoody Academy Inc. Christmas Celebration

International Schools Association

Christmas is the season of love, giving, and togetherness. It underscores goodwill, and the same time, festivity. Just recently, Dunwoody Academy Inc. had celebrated Christmas on the 14th of this month with the theme “The agglomeration of Dunwoodians’ love and shared visions calls for a celebration.”

It was not an ordinary celebration as everyone genuinely participated and amazingly showed support and unity. Truly that the activities executed shouldn’t be treated as competitions among students, and thus, everyone got prizes, and no one is left out. One of the prizes was trophies.

One of the captivating activities was the lantern making. Each student showcased their talent, which is not just only being creative but being resourceful as well. They utilized recycled materials and presented a very impressive outcome afterwards. Through this, they were enlightened about the reasons behind why we are celebrating Christmas as they have to harmonize it with things representing Mary and Christ Jesus.
Their outputs were then used as decorations in the venue.


During the culminating activity, we invited some of the renowned staff to be the panel of judges, and one of them was our very own school president, Mr. Dennis Ariola. Beside him on the left side is Ms. Imelda Garde, the head of registrar department, and next to her is Ms. Erica Rada, the head of accounting department. Both of them are regarded as pioneers of our school. On the right side is Ms. Melinda Orpeza, our corporate secretary, and next to her is yours truly, Ms. Jesse — who joined for the picture taking but not part of the juries.


The celebration was segmented into three to accommodate well the students per department. The kickoff was the jingle/dance presentation of the learners and then followed by the announcements of winners, including winners of the lantern making activity. We allotted time for teachers’ intermission number as well to show that we are with them cooperating.

This, in actuality, made our bond and relationship stronger. As we participated with one another in a more collaborative and meaningful activity outside the academic aspect.

Moreover, not only the students who have felt the sense of accomplishment but the teachers and non-teaching staff also. Even the parents and visitors who have joined us enjoyed it and left us with good and positive feedback.

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