A new, additional service offered by the ISA is Consultancy on the ¨Guide¨ itself and on how to make best use of it.
The Introduction to the ¨Guide¨ is designed to suggest a number of ways in which it can be employed in a School. The aim of the new service is to offer expert advice on where and how to begin, and on how to progress with the Self-Study..
If internationalism can be defined as a positive relationship between two or more countries leading to mutual respect, cultural tolerance and inter-dependence, it is evident that the past fifty years at least have seen an expansion of internationalism.
As such a mind-set pervades societies, bringing with it increasing benefits, opportunities and advantages so, inevitably, educational ideology and theory begin to reflect the mind-set. This reflection is less obvious in national education systems than it is in what has become known as International Education. Since the 1960s this form of education has become both an important and influential academic force, and a competitive and market -driven business opportunity.
Many are the definitions and descriptions of International Education and many its varied emanations. However, some of its generally accepted characteristics appear to be that it is offered more by private than by national schools, that it is very often linked both to the curricular programs of the International Baccalaureate Organisation and to the accreditation processes of the Council of International Schools, and that it is particularly interested in the values of internationalism.
In a School in which internationalism purports to be a significant element there may be a number of essential aspects of School life which express this mind-set both ideologically and pragmatically. Such aspects could include the statement of the School ethos, curricular, pedagogic and assessment policies, the nature of the School administration and the roles of the Head or Director and of the Board.
A challenge thus faces each established School which believes that it is instilling internationalism in its students. The challenge is to know whether this is taking place and, if it is, to what extent. Most importantly, a School needs to be able to understand those aspects of its life in which more should be done to develop student’s internationalism.
For new internationally-minded Schools the challenge is how to begin to introduce internationalism.
To offer direction and focus in facing and responding to these challenges the International Schools Association has prepared the above booklet.
This ¨Guide¨ has been developed over a number of years during which the International Schools Association has collaborated with the SEK Universidad de Chile, several important International Schools, and the Research Unit of the International Baccalaureate Organisation at Bath University, U.K.
The ISA hope that the ¨Guide¨ will be seen and used as a constructive tool for all schools, national and international, new and established, and public and private who wish to review and develop their sense of and engagement with internationalism.
The ¨Guide¨ has been written and structured in such a way as to be ¨ready to use¨. However, the ISA is ready to provide considerable support for those schools who would prefer help and guidance.
A new, additional service offered by the ISA is Consultancy on the ¨Guide¨ itself and on how to make best use of it. The Introduction to the ¨Guide¨ is designed to suggest a number of ways in which it can be employed in a School and for number of different purposes. The aim of the new service is to extend and develop this Introduction and to offer expert advice on where and how to begin, and on how to progress with the Self-Study.
At differing levels Consultancy will offer advice on:
- establishing the purpose of the Self-Study
- defining the extent of the Self-Study
- constructive strategies to develop the Self-Study
- the allocation of resources –human, financial and technical
- the creation of effective working groups / teams
- possible processes to be used by these groups / teams
- the creation of time-lines and deadlines
- the definition of outcomes including an action-base report
To request Consultancy services a School will complete a brief, web-based electronic questionnaire designed to describe both to the School and the ISA the nature and current context of the School, its level of interest in developing or introducing internationalism, an estimation of the time-lines envisaged, and the type of Consultancy service preferred.
Two types of service are offered – Virtual or Visiting, or a mixture of both.
Virtual Consultancy will be based upon e-mail and, if necessary, telephone communication. An individual Consultant will be assigned to each School which opts for this type of service. The role of the Consultant will be principally that of someone who answers questions, solves apparent ambiguities, and encourages focus and priorities.
Visiting Consultancy, as is implied, will see the Consultant at the School at pre-arranged times and for agreed durations of time. Four levels of engagement with the School will be offered:
1. Seminar
The Consultant will offer a general overview of the ¨Guide¨ and discuss ideas on how to implement and monitor the Self-Study.
2. Implementation of the ¨Guide¨
In addition to the Seminar provision the Consultant will work with School staff on a number of specific strategies to implement the Self-Study, and to develop both the Report and Action Plan.
3. Specific ¨Area¨ guidance
In addition to the Seminar provision, specific guidance will be given on one or two of the Principal ¨Areas¨ of the Self-Study chosen by the School.
4. Direct engagement
Following the Seminar provision the Consultant will work ¨hands-on¨ with the school throughout the Self-Study providing critical input at each stage, including contributions to the elaboration of Report and consequent Action Plan.
Virtual and Visiting Consultancy, by negotiation, will offer both possibilities with agreements pre-set on the number and duration of visits.

The ISA will offer a ¨Certification of Internationalism¨ to each school which completes a true and honest use of the ¨Guide¨ following the spirit of positive and critical self- study which, arising from a post Self-Study Report and Action Plan, creates measurable change within the School.
For those schools which choose to use the Consultancy service, a written report by the Consultant will be considered at the point of Certification. Those schools that choose not to use a Consultant will be asked to submit a copy of their final Report, of their Action Plan and of the timelines for implementation of this Plan. The ISA reserves the right to visit schools to verify the implementation of the Action Plan.
Extended ISA Consultancy
Through its global network of contacts with experts in all fields of International Education the International Schools Association is preparing to offer in 2008 – 2009 a comprehensive International Education Consultancy Service (IECS).
This will be an expert-led and quality-driven service for both new International School projects and for existing International Schools which are looking to emphasise differentiation in competitive market environments and to move to a higher level of customer provision and satisfaction.
Expertise will be available on the following areas:
- Formulation and re-formulation of the Project Plan.
- Formulation and re-formulation of the Business Plan.
- Financial Planning.
- Building Design and Planning.
- Mission Creation and Strategic Planning.
- Relationships with external bodies – for example Ministries of Education, Venture Capital Companies, The International Baccalaureate Organisation, the Council of International Schools, the International Schools Association, and Staff Recruitment organisations such as Search Associates and the International Schools Service.
- Academic Design.
- Resource Planning and delivery.
- Staff Recruitment, Induction, Appraisal, Development and Release.
- Implementation and Review / Evaluation.
The International Schools Association is a not-for-profit association and any revenues derived by ISA from these activities will be used exclusively to support the educational objectives laid down in the Association’s founding Statutes.