ISA – International Schools Association

Short Film Contest 2025

The Idea

As this year we celebrate World Oceans, we decided that the theme for our short film festival 2025 is Leadership Across Oceans: Uniting Cultures to Preserve Marine Ecosystems.. So in three minutes you have to explain what Leadership Across Oceans means to you.

Things to remember


The Contest is open to all students of ISA Schools, in the 13-18 age range, with a teacher mentor

Length of Film

3 minutes


Provide a link to your Short Film using for example YouTube or Vimeo


The film producer group can be one person or several


A photo of the filmmaker / group.


Visuals and music. Any language is acceptable but it should also incorporate the main international language of English with French and Spanish subtitles. You may find it easier to avoid language altogether but illustrate with graphics or music, mime.


Leadership Across Oceans: Uniting Cultures to Preserve Marine Ecosystems


A 300 word synopsis explaining the concept of the short film.


January 31, 2025 for the application form.
July 31, 2025 for submission of short film.


ISA email address -


Board of ISA

Publication or winners

August, 2025


Award Trophy showing the winning school.The winner’s school also will receive a cash prize. The runners up will receive Certificates of Achievement.



Does the short film match the original brief? (10 points)
Is the story original and engaging? (10 points)

Creativity and Originality

Does the writing and direction use imaginative and creative ways to convey the theme? (20 points)


How strongly does this entry stimulate thoughts/emotions? (20 points)

Technical Quality

Use of camera? (10 points)
Use of light? (10 points)
Use of audio? (10 points)
Use of editing? (10 points)

The intellectual property belongs to the producer of the material but unconditionally allows ISA the sole right to use the short film for promotional purposes at no expense. The material cannot be presented for use by others but is exclusively for use within the framework of the ISA Short Film Contest. ISA Internationalism Award is a product of the International Schools Association.  All decisions related to the Award and the Jury’s decisions about prize winners are non- negotiable and non- disputable. Winners are considered as individuals or a group.

All participants should ensure that their entries comply with rules pertaining to intellectual property rights. Any music used should either be out of copyright or have the appropriate permission for use. Ideal would be to use original music where possible. Equally all efforts should be made to exclude any filming where branded products or merchandise appears (eg cereal packets, juice cartons and the like). The submitter should state that every effort has been made to identify holders of brand rights.

The International Schools Association has arranged the Short Film Contest in good faith and does not accept any responsibility for unforeseen circumstances related to the contest, copyright  – similarly travel , health and immigration procedures connected with the winner and accompanying adult.