ISA – International Schools Association

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Since February 20, 2020, working together in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)

On 25 February 2020, the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and the International Schools Association (ISA) entered a MOU with the aspiration to achieve shared goals within the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) developed the Eco-Schools programme in 1992 and launched it globally in 1994, as a response to the needs identified at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. Since then, the Eco-Schools programme has evolved and retained global reach, becoming an acclaimed international model for Environmental Education and sustainability. Eco-Schools supports the Agenda 2030 and the ESD principles by using a holistic whole-institution approach with its Seven-Step methodology and by building meaningful partnerships. Global Citizenship, a key outcome of Education for Sustainable Development, is a key value that a learner has to have, along with carrying the sustainability perspective to their future workspace. By definition, International schools have a responsibility to develop this as a core value in their students. I am happy that ISA has adopted this as a core strategy and is joining the Eco-Schools programme. – Pramod Kumar Sharma, Senior Director of Education, Foundation for Environmental Education Within this framework, FEE has partnered with ISA, a well-recognised player in promoting and supporting Education for Sustainability. ISA, founded in 1951, is a prominent organisation in the world of international education and is dedicated to consulting and guiding educators in this area. The ISA Education for Sustainability Curricular Framework for K-12 guides the teaching and learning methods that motivate and empower learners to change their behaviour and take action for sustainable development. We intend to benefit our two separate school communities in the best possible way. We have chosen carefully to partner to mutually benefit each other, knowingly surrounding ourselves with partners who share the same passion for teaching and learning and passing onto the next generation important values such as international understanding and sustainability. – John Lees, Chairman of the Board, International Schools Association The partnership promotes collaboration, acknowledgement and mutual appreciation of the two organisations under a mutually beneficial cooperation agreement. Both organisations are recognised by UNESCO and are dedicated to jointly advance ESD today to better the environment of tomorrow. Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) International Schools Association (ISA)



The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is the world’s largest Environmental Education organisation implementing five programmes in over 80 countries. Recognised by UNESCO and UN Environment as a world-leader within the fields of Environmental Education and Education for Sustainable Development, FEE’s strength comes from its members who share a common conviction. For a quarter of a century, the FEE Eco-Schools programme has been engaging young people in taking positive actions that transform their lives. Eco-Schools has expanded to affect change is some 59,000 schools, engaging over 19 million students. It encourages youth to engage in their environment by giving them the opportunity to actively protect it. More information at and

ISA will advise their member schools to collaborate with NHL Stenden with regards to teaching practice placements for ITEps and ITEss students


We are happy to announce that the International Schools Association (ISA) and ITEps/ITEss have begun a formal partnership. This partnership means that ISA will advise their member schools to collaborate with NHL Stenden with regards to teaching practice placements for ITEps and ITEss students, to allow ITEps and ITess students to carry out small-scale projects and to permit ITEps and ITEss students to complete on-site assignments.

One of the ISA member schools is Istanbul International School. Over the last few years ITEps has already partnered up with Istanbul International school for teaching practice placements. ITEps year 2, 3 and 4 students have been welcome and seen as full staff members during their internship. Students not only have the opportunity to observe lessons, but also to teach, to attend teacher meetings, to have discussions with the Counselling Department, to observe parent-teacher interviews, to be involved in club activities and to generally participate fully in the life of the school community. ITEss students have also been welcomed as interns at Istanbul International School as specialists in Mathematics, ESL, History and Geography.

Since 28th July 2020

World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA)

The World Federation of United Nations Associations [WFUNA] and the International Schools Associations [ISA] have signed a two-year agreement in an effort to promote the Sustainable Development Goals and global citizenship. The collaboration will leverage WFUNA’s expertise in youth engagement and ISA’s position as a leader for International Schools.

As part of the agreement, two of WFUNA’s online educational programs, the WFUNA International Model United Nations (referred to as WIMUN) and Mission Possible will be made available to ISA member schools. 

WIMUN is a multi-award-winning Model UN program which offers participants the unique opportunity to learn about current global issues and the decision-making process that real diplomats follow at the UN today. Participants will have access to the most up-to- date materials and other online resources to prepare for sessions; participate in a briefing by UN (or other) experts on the agenda item assigned followed by Q&A; work with delegates from around the world to find solutions to global issues; and choose from a wide range of simulations that include the General Assembly, ECOSOC, UN Environment Assembly, Human Rights Council, Security Council, and ILO among others. In addition, students will receive training about the history of the UN body they will be simulating and the rules of procedures that it uses.

WFUNA’s second education program that will be made available to the ISA community is Mission Possible, which has two online programs that challenge high school students across the globe to connect virtually, collaborate across cultures and engage in meaningful action. Kick-Start Your Action: An Introduction to Global Citizenship and the SDGs is a 3-session program (6 hours total) which guides students in identifying an issue and crafting a personal action plan to address that issue. Past projects included social media campaigns, community service, and workshops building a community and addressing shared issues.

Youth Connect: Become an Agent of Change with Youth from Around the World, is an extensive program spanning over 9 weeks. Students collaborate in teams on a project that addresses one of the Sustainable Development Goals. In past projects, students have created projects such as providing care packages for orphanages and those affected by COVID-19, a community refrigerator to provide food for the homeless, and awareness campaigns on the plight of migrant workers during the pandemic.

WFUNA’s project aims to build the capacity of key stakeholders to be able to engage in such dialogue and to provide strategic options for defining development goals that integrate peace and security and influence government debate and policy on the topic to lead to a universal framework to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030. IFUNA is working with civil society, the academic community, media and politicians in their respective countries to develop and raise awareness on the need to integrate peace, security and conflict prevention in the agenda and encourage conversations on how this could happen.

This partnership provides an opportunity for both organizations to achieve their like-minded goals.

About WFUNA: The World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) is a global nonprofit organization established in 1946, and registered both under the laws of the State of New York of the United States of America and under the law of Geneva, Switzerland, with Category One Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council as well as Association with UN DPI, and having its office located in New York, USA. WFUNA represents and coordinates a membership of over 100 national United Nations Associations (UNAs) and their thousands of constituents. Guided by the vision of a United Nations that is a powerful force in meeting common global challenges and opportunities, WFUNA works to strengthen and improve the United Nations through the engagement of people who share a global mindset and support international cooperation – global citizens

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